Welcome to the Protected IRA Plus Program

The SECURE Act of 2020 presents the greatest threat to the advisory industry in nearly fifty years.

While framed as a benefit, a darker truth lies beneath: by design, the SECURE Act takes more money from your clients than ever before.

The time to adjust your planning is now. Your careers and clients’ financial security is at stake. This legislation only magnifies the biggest killers of your books, such as death, extended care, and firing by beneficiaries.

You can still do something about it.

We’ve done extensive research and ran the numbers on every financial product you can imagine. The result? The Protected IRA Plus Program. PIPP is a combination of products that best accomplish most clients’ primary goals while preserving and enhancing your book.

Our partners have generated over one million dollars in payouts using the Protected IRA Plus Program, and the benefits don’t stop there. With PIPP, you can:

Safeguard your clients and their assets
Protect clients’ beneficiaries
Preserve and perpetuate your book
Earn 7-10 years of fees in advance

Ready to prepare an informed response to the SECURE act?
Learn more in the online resource center or by joining one of our webinars.

Himmelstein Financial©

For Agent/Broker use only.